Protector: Hand in hand with the planners

Be prepared for the future. You are responsible for the emissions and environmental impact of your repair work.

Leading developer of CP systems

Field mounted trial areas

Permanent monitoring

Real-time measurements

The challenges for engineers and planners in concrete repair are diverse. At Protector we want to help you to better assess the challenges related to corrosion in concrete structures and to work with you to prevent corrosion.

As a leading developer of systems for cathodic protection and structural monitoring, we have specialized in concrete repair and our products are used worldwide.

By understanding the electrochemical properties of reinforced concrete and measuring the relevant parameters, corrosion can be detected at an early stage. Temporary field measurements, such as surface potential mapping, can provide important information about the reinforcement’s state, but unfortunately such measurements alone are usually not sufficient.

Sensor technology and monitoring systems from Protector are more complex: corrosion current, potentials, resistances, temperatures, humidity and much more are permanently monitored. Let us advise you. Our engineers will introduce you to this exciting topic or develop individual strategies with you for your projects.

Our CAMUR electronics ensure that you can convince yourself of the condition of your structure, permanently and in real time.

At the same time, we provide the basics for cathodic protection with our anode and protection systems. In our training programs, we introduce you to this environmentally friendly technology and instruct you in the operation of the Camur monitoring system, as well as installing our systems.

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What we can do for you

  • We are happy to provide advice
  • We give you advice on feasibility and tenders
  • We install test areas on the structure in order to adapt plans individually.
  • We introduce you to state of the art structural monitoring.
  • We train you, using our software and electronics
  • We are available as project coordinators
  • We guarantee permanent solutions and assure product safety for at least 30 years.

In the last 25 years we have protected more than 500 structures with Protector products. Take a look at our Reference list.

As a planner / engineer, do you have any further questions?

We are happy to answer all your questions about concrete corrosion, cathodic corrosion protection and our products and services.
Phone +47-94 09 88 44 or email

Our products